TuneCore vs. Menghibur
Anda berhak menjual musik Anda dengan yang terbaik di industri ini. Masukkan musik Anda ke lebih banyak toko, jangkau lebih banyak penggemar, dan dapatkan dukungan yang Anda butuhkan.
Mengapa TuneCore
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Jangkau lebih banyak Penggemar
Dapatkan lebih banyak streaming secara internasional dengan TuneCore dan pertahankan 100% pendapatan Anda.
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Layanan & Pelaporan Artis
Promosikan musik Anda dan kembangkan karier Anda dengan layanan eksklusif dan pelaporan yang lebih baik daripada Amuse.
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Dukungan di Setiap Langkah
Tim layanan pelanggan kami yang terbaik di kelasnya telah membantu para musisi independen selama lebih dari 12 tahun.
TuneCore Sukses Cerita

"...It's helped me tremendously in my career because obviously now I have the lifestyle where I'm actually able to monetize off of what I love to do and what I'm passionate about. Literally, I make a living making music and it's the greatest thing in the world."

"At the center of our crazy dreams for this band is just a want to connect with the folks listening to our music - to move people, whether they’re in the same room, or across the world. Tunecore has made that a possibility, and also a much simpler process."

"TuneCore has made [my success] possible just because I'm completely independent. I have no management, I have no agents or label telling me what to do or telling me where to go or what the next step is and giving me ideas...I love being independent."